Olive oil is the real green gold of our countryside: it has so many talents and properties that you can know and appreciate it from countless points of view.

Today we are talking about it as one of the best preservative agents.

It preserves food for a very long time, especially its integrity from the point of view of bacterial contamination, purity of taste, isolating it from the air and from the most harmful toxins such as botulinum.

For this reason, over the centuries it has been, together with vinegar, the preferred preservation method for plant and animal food.

Olive oil by its nature rich in polyphenols and antioxidants ( read more here i), is particularly suitable for preserving the structure of foods. Anyway the real magic is that it enhances the taste, elevating it to a gastronomic experience even richer than the fresh food one.

Over the centuries, the vegetables in oil have obtained a growing importance in Italian cuisine: they can be the main element of a dish (did you say bruschetta?) or accompany it by giving it nuances and peculiar characteristics of fullness and roundness of taste.

What’s more, they represent an irreplaceable way for having IMMEDIATELY available, all year round, products that otherwise would be impossible to find.

In the continuous search for new taste experiences , the vegetables in oil are fundamental elements of some types of gastronomic proposals , from classic and modern cuisine, to pizzeria and street food.

The requirement is that they are made with ingredients of the highest quality and that they are treated with the care that our grandmothers used when preparing the “boccacci” to be kept for the following year in the various seasons.

It is with this legacy (grandma Lucrezia’s one) that Aria di Mare proposes its vegetables in oils: ingredients of our countryside in extra virgin olive oil to be used in your own recipes to make them unique.


We invite you to try the pric o prac spaghetti as an alternative to the classic garlic, oil and chilli pepper spaghetti, or inside the excellent Molfetta pizzarello, together with tune, its main ingredient.

If you like turnip greens, try our orecchiette recipe with turnip greens, anchovies and tarallo crumbs.

Our olives are ideal as an appetizer or for the traditional Molfetta style stuffed calzone .

Or you can book a table at sottacqua in Molfetta where our products enrich and characterize numerous delicacies such as the sandwich with stracciatella shrimp and sundried tomatoes in oil, an embrace between sea and land, whose aromas and taste speak of Puglia, a land where the splendid coasts and vast countryside alternate, telling ancient stories of centuries-old olive trees and sailors.

panino con gambero stracciatella-e-pomodoro sottolio aria di mare

Another tasty option is the bagel prepared with Aria di Mare turnip greens prepared by Quarantagiri – Crêpes & Co

There are no limits for the possible combinations, in the experimentation and in the taste that the Aria di Mare vegetables in oil give you, and that you can also give to your loved ones with our boxes: all about Puglia in our pantry that, in addition to taste, recalls the appearance and colors of the streets in which we grew up!